Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot can work all the time - 24/7 thanks to CAPTCHA recognition system (it solves new hCaptcha). Bot has also features like farming villages, construct buildings, recruit army, minting a gold coins, balancing resources between villages, detection of incoming attacks, interactive map and much more. UTWB is still under development and will do whatever you want it to do - make an proposal and see it done. Features are being added all the time so you can check home page for the latest release informations.
Building system enables you to set static and dynamic queue.
Once you set building target level, let's say - wall 20 level, and this building will be destroyed
by incoming attacks, it will be immediately queued to build. The same apply for rally point and other buildings.
There are also options like "if storage is full, build storage first", "construct building requirements first", "build farm if free space is lower than 5-30%".
You can set number of maximum queued building positions in headquarters. If you have premium account it will be helpful, because premium account allows you to queue more building positions in headquarters at once.
Interactive map helps you to control farmed villages, creating attacks
or selecting all villages of player/s. Management of tribes relations is also available.
Village menu under right mouse click behaves the same like menu on the normal tribal wars map.
You can look into village details by double click on village. Village details includes history of village points, history of owner(player) and your notes. If you have something important you can make a memo for each village, which help you in the future during your conquers.
In the future, more functions like "detection of village owner change(village was nobled) in 30 range from my villages" will be added. In this case you will be able to very fast village re-noble.
Time synchronization with high precision (+/- 10ms).
Check image proof on the right and test this capabilities by yourself.
Before you start you need to properly configure time synchronization
settings - tutorial.
You can with easy send army tasks to backtime other players. I like to snipe every incoming attack - thanks to attacks detection system i know which incoming attacks has a nobleman. Players couldn't believe their eyes, when i snipe noble attacks between 100ms each.
Synchronization of multiple attacks is very powerful. You can synchronize many attacks from many of your villages to other village or villages. Basically you can synchronize and send: one to one(1:1), one to many(1:*), many to one(*:1) and many to many(*:*) attacks.
Unstoppable noble train.
Creating operations, where first nuke land at 100ms, second nuke at 120ms, third nuke at 140ms,
fourth nuke at 160ms, first noble at 200ms, second noble at 220ms, third noble at 240ms
and fourth noble at 260ms, is very easy. 20ms timespan can be lowered to 0ms for nukes
and nobles, but timespan between last nuke and first noble should be at least 10ms -
for safety purposes. Take a quick look at my screenshot on the right with accurately
executed attacks as planned.
Just imagine 6 full trains(4 nobleman attacks for each) with 20 full nukes and subsequent 20 supports. All are synchronized to land between 100ms and 300ms. All hit many oponent villages and are sent from many of your villages. That kind of waves are beautiful.
I created noble train example video on YouTube. This is the proof of perfectly synchronized 3 nukes and 4 nobles from 4 different villages. First attack land at 91ms and the last one at 130ms. There is this video. You can watch it to see how it is done.
Recruit army system will save you a lot of time.
You don't need to worry that barracks or stable are on idle.
Once you set target count of specified unit, bot will recruit until that amount is reached.
This feature is very helpful when you send troops as support and some of them die. In this case UTWB immediately start troops recruitment in villages where it is needed. You can configure ratio for specified units in order to create optimal recruitment troops package. Along with ratio, you should also remember about maximal queue time, which is configurable too.
You can also recruit noblemen. I didn't forget about gold coins minting and resources storing. For that you should only specify amount of resources above which gold coins will be minted or resources will be stored.
Sending army is practically essence of Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot.
On this registry you can create and manage previously created Send Army Tasks.
There is a lot of informations at a glance. You see if options like "Send accurately in time", "Troops must be at home between specified time" are enabled. You know if Send army task has specified Random interval or contains one or more target villages.
Attack or Support, Troops count, description, send time, land time, return time, travel time, target village name, target village owner name and much more informations are available to you.
In short cut, it would be enough. There is a lot more functions, which you would want to use - all are listed below on the right. Notice that you can use UTWB for FREE! Read this tutorial to see how it is possible with referential system.
2024.09.17 -
Update to version 2.036.
- Fixed captcha solving in game.
- Updated internal web browser.
2024.08.26 -
Update to version 2.035.
- Fixed captcha solving
- Fixed sending army and time synchronization.
2021.09.01 -
Update to version 2.034.
- Fixed captcha solving - bot now supports new hCaptcha
2021.05.01 -
Update to version 2.033.
- Fixed scavenging
- Updated internal web browser
2019.12.03 -
Update to version 2.032.
- Updated internal web browser
2019.11.30 -
Update to version 2.031.
- Fixed Captcha solving problem.
- Added extra waiting time between failed login attempts.
- Added option "Add optimal troops to collect all scouted resources" to IFarmer. Please note this behaviour was there by default, so if your report had scouted resources, then bot increased troops count to collect them all. Now you have option to disable that behaviour so bot will send always amount of troops you configured in the troops template.
2019.02.24 -
Update to version 2.030.
- Fixed set units speed function - time sync works again.
- Fixed loading map data.
2018.11.25 -
Update to version 2.029.
- Fixed DPI for windows with Chinese/Japanese/Image fonts.
- Fixed not working cookies manager of the UTWB. Cookies are written into cookies.txt file located in bot folder.
2018.10.21 -
Update to version 2.028. Please watch new Time Sync TUTORIAL where I explain how to use new time sync options for worlds without barb villages. Remember to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86 or x64 if you haven't already done that.
- Fixed time synchronization for worlds without barb villages.
- Added additional options to time synchronization.
2018.10.16 -
Update to version 2.027. New scavenging functionality TUTORIAL. Please install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86 or x64
- Added scavenging functionality.
- Enhanced randomization of all bot functions.
- Adjusted attacks detection.
2018.09.29 -
Update to version 2.026.
- Updated internal chrome web browser.
2018.03.04 -
Update to version 2.025.
- Fixed login problem on .net servers.
- Internal enhancements.
2018.01.29 -
Update to version 2.024.
- Separated logs to different functions groups.
- Fixed attacks sent to freshly conquered barb/bonus villages.
2018.01.24 -
Update to version 2.023.
- Captcha is solved without relogging.
- Time sync internal changes.
- Other changes to make bot invisible.
2017.07.11 -
Update to version 2.022.
- Updated web browser.
2017.06.28 -
Update to version 2.021. Added 35 days of service to all Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot accounts.
- Added random interval times for every function in bot.
- Fixed Norwegian server name.
2017.02.07 -
Update to version 2.020.
- Fixed login process due to Tribal Wars game update.
2017.02.04 -
Update to version 2.019.
- Fixed stability issues.
2017.01.02 -
Update to version 2.018.
- Added paladin train and revive functions.
- Added watchtower building.
2016.12.11 -
Update to version 2.017.
- Captcha solving improvements.
- Web browser update.
- Report time and scouted resources fixes for specific cultures.
- Internal fixes of IFarmer.
2016.11.18 -
Update to version 2.016. Added 4 days of service to all Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot accounts.
- Fixed Captcha solving.
- Sending army should not fail any more.
2016.10.19 -
Update to version 2.015. Added 2 days of service to all Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot accounts.
- Fixed issues related to Sending army, IFarmer and Time Sync because of the game update.
- Removed need of Admin rights to run bot.
- Removed old Captcha engine files and made bot slimmer.
2016.08.22 -
Update to version 2.014.
- Added possibility to dodge backtime attacks (backtime escape) TUTORIAL.
- Captcha improvements.
2016.08.17 -
Update to version 2.013. Bot cost 1£ more because of captcha solving.
- Changed bot to desktop version.
- Improved google captcha recognition speed.
- Fixed problem with missing villages on the bot map.
- Fixed coins minting in Recruit Army and Cities Worker.
2016.08.06 -
Update to version 2.012. Captcha solving works again. Added 11 days to all bot accounts.
- Added google captcha recognition system.
- Fixed reports reading.
2016.07.18 -
Update to version 2.011
- Added Automatic Start Stop function in Settings->General.
- Fixed internal issues.
2016.06.15 -
Update to version 2.010- Fixed time synchronization due to game changes.
2016.03.25 -
Update to version 2.009.- Added in SendingArmy view, on right click menu - > Set the same -> Target Village - works only for tasks with one target village.
- Added to Time synchronization -> Minimal sync unit count. On some world it's impossible to send 1 unit in attack, so you can configure it now.
- Added to Map -> select village by radius from(open/exclusive) - to(close/inclusive).
- Changed option "Barb to Player" to "Ownership change". So each time village will change player ownership it will be disabled and bot message will be generated.
- Fixed disabling village in IFarmer for all cities on red or red-blue report.
- Changed in Map -> Right click -> Remove from all attacks. By default all attacks for selected villages will be removed. When holding Ctrl key, only attacks for village under mouse pointer will be removed.
- Fixed on Map when mouse over village, village info control was in wrong place, now it works properly.
2016.03.18 -
Update to version 2.008. Bot is now fully functional, all functions work fine.- CefCache with cookies is stored in bot directory. Cookies file is a SQLLite db file so you can read it using any SQLLite engine or sqlitebrowser.
2016.02.25 -
Update to version 2.007. 30 days has been added to each bot account.- What works: Reports reading, IFarmer, Sending Army, Time Synchronization.
- TODO: all the rest.
2016.02.08 -
Update to version 2.006. Working on new captcha approach.- When google captcha appears, bot send email according to your Settings->Mailing configuration, bot play captcha_sound.wav (You can replace it with your own .wav sound file) and bot stops.
- Solved max browsers for intelligent farmer issue.
2016.01.04 -
Update to version 2.005.- Updated internal chrome browser.
2015.12.06 -
Update to version 2.004.- Fixed Iron mine level and building for Turkish game version.
- Fixed reports reading.
2015.09.27 -
Update to version 2.003.- Fixed canceling attacks issue.
2015.09.25 -
Update to version 2.002. Added 7 days of service to each bot account.- Fixed IFarmer.
- Fixed reports reading.
2015.09.08 -
Update to version 2.001.- Fixed sending army as support.
- Fixed bugs causing crashes.
2015.08.31 -
Update to version 2.000. Bot is safe to use again. To all accounts 45days service have been added.- Changed internal web browser to Chrome.
- Added options for max count of webbrowsers per function in settings view.
2015.07.20 -
Update to version 1.096.- Fixed internal bugs.
2015.07.12 -
Update to version 1.095.- Fixed internal bugs.
- Fixed adding cities.
- Removed bottom ad.
2015.07.09 -
Update to version 1.094. Please use this version because previous versions have a major bug.- Fixed major bug with sending troops
2015.06.23 -
Update to version 1.093.- Fixed building function because of TW update.
- Fixed small bug in IFarmer with scouts and red_blue report.
- Fixed barb to player in IFarmer when barb is farmed by many cities.
- Fixed some other minor bugs.
2015.06.15 -
Update to version 1.092.- Fixed IFarmer internal error.
- Improved IFarmer logic.
- Report reading function small fix.
- Fixed languages.
2015.06.11 -
Update to version 1.091. Sorry for delays - busy life. Main problem with starting bot is fixed. 3 days has been added to each bot account.- TW new version login and time sync bug fix.
- Resource balancer bug fix.
- Logging to wrong world bug fix.
- Map missing scenery bug fix (to reload scenery you need close bot, remove map.bin and run bot again).
- Added languages files.
2015.04.24 -
Update to version 1.090. Few tweaks and fixes.- Added Time synchronization on/off toggle. In some worlds, like w115 on www.die-staemme.de there is new TW feature - to each attack, 1 second is randomly added or substracted to landing time - hence time sync in this situation is pointless.
- Added Max ongoing attacks for rams and Cats(building destruction logic). Max ongoing attacks are splitted to two separated registers. First one is Farming and Ram attacks. Second one is Cats attacks.
- Farming/map fix xy
- Farmed village history is wiped - villageId is not reliable(it is changing for the same XY of the village), it has been changed to XYId. If you want to have village history again, please remove gamereports.bin file and allow bot to read reports again.
- Changes to reports reading. Old reports will not have info about village, new reports works properly. If you want bot to read reports again please remove gamereports.bin file(it will take few moments to read all reports).
2015.04.06 -
Update to version 1.089. IFarmer TUTORIAL part 2.- Added to IFarmer buildings destruction logic using catapults.
- Added IFarmer option to send scouts only as first attack.
- Added to IFarmer option to set custom interval for farmed village - two places, per city and per farmed village.
- Added to IFarmer option to set limit of Max total ongoing attacks from all cities to one farmed village.
- Farmed village will be disabled also on Red-Blue report, previously was disabled only on Red report.
- Added report preview on double click in farmed village history.
- Added sorting on column click in farmed villages.
- Fixed "Check all" in Farming copy configuration popup.
- Few tweaks to Captcha recognition.
2015.03.26 -
Update to version 1.088.- Fixed captcha white spaces issue.
- Fixed scale in Map view tabs.
2015.03.24 -
Update to version 1.087.- Fixed reading population issue caused by tribal wars update 8.33.2. Resources balancer, recruit army and all building features works properly now.
- Fixed time synchronization for .ro servers.
- Improved IFramer resources predictions to be more efficient.
- Added to IFarmer "Check village historical data to get expected resources".
- Added to IFarmer "Disable city after scheduled time".
2015.03.20 -
Update to version 1.086.
New requirement - Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012.
- Bot is now build for AnyCPU - so one .exe serves x86 and x64 machines.
- Captcha recognition system changed to newer version.
2015.03.11 -
Update to version 1.085.
- Added to IFarmer tab: "Send max [X] attacks per [Y] seconds"
- Time sync precision changed from 0.1 seconds to 0.001 - please check if time sync is working properly for you.
2015.02.22 -
Update to version 1.084.
New function - Intelligent Farmer (IFarmer). Please watch this configuration (TUTORIAL).- Added Intelligent farmer (IFarmer).
- Changed villages selection radius in Map, was square(taxicab geometry) - now is circle radius.
- Fixed internal error caused by time sync.
- Fixed no internet connection.
- Fixed constant relogging issue.
2014.12.22 -
Update to version 1.083.- Fixed logging on old main TW site.
- Fixed no internet connection problem.
2014.12.15 -
Update to version 1.082. IFarmer is about to come... - I'm working on it. Please remember to do backup of "userdata" folder!- Fixed login process on new Tribalwars home page.
- Added "select village" option in map view->mouse right menu.
- Changed behaviour of selected village dropdown in map view. On my village change map is not centered. To center map new button has been added.
- Added troops templates. You can edit them while adding sending army task.
- Changed tab pages names to be more compact.
2014.11.19 -
Update to version 1.081. If you want to see intelligent farming draft, please visit this forum topic.- Added "automatic set units speed" on bot Start button click
- Added selection of buildings types in "copy building configuration view" for city
- Added not available/not researched unit info in recruit army view
- Improved performance of bot tasks, freezing should not happen again
- Fixed resource balancer "next run in one month issue"
- Minor fix with task listing in sending task view
2014.09.18 -
Update to version 1.080.- Changed way of sending resources by resources balancer due to game update
- Fixed report reading, buildings info
- Fixed target level for buildings in building view
- Fixed adding villages on windows xp
2014.08.22 -
Update to version 1.079.- Fixed "World [number]" click
- Fixed reports reading - scouted resources and building are read properly now
- Fixed scrolling issue in all listviews(after refresh, double item click or any other function)
- Logo change
2014.08.02 -
Update to version 1.078. Please use "Automatically set units speed" function in Settings to correct units speed. Time synchronization should works good now.- Fixed "Automatically set units speed" function
- Fixed "Set units speed" funtion
- Group selection - in Sending army tasks view - works good now. Only attacks from selected group will be listed.
2014.07.24 -
Update to version 1.077.- Fixed logging problem on some game servers
2014.07.21 -
Update to version 1.076.- Fixed ui errors caused by groups change and data migration
2014.07.19 -
Update to version 1.075.- Added mint coins/store resources if "any/all" are over "N", in recruit army (beside recruit nobleman). (VIDEO TUTORIAL).
- Added possibility to assign many groups for city. (please watch tutorial above)
- Fixed game reports "Refresh" error
- Fixed some ui errors
- Fixed "main page" selection settings
2014.06.22 -
Update to version 1.074.
NOTE: When you run UTWB first time, you will have to choose main page again, but only first time.- Added new Reports reading function. Please watch this VIDEO TUTORIAL.
- Added sorting, on column header click for Task Targets in Send Army Task Form.
- Fixed player name update during map data download.
- Small fix for time synchronization and units speed.
2014.06.10 -
Update to version 1.073.- Fixed time synchronization problems due to Cave villages(bug1: cannot send army, bug2: different travel times)
- Lowered minimal time span between attacks from 5 to 1. Was 1-5, now it is 1-2. It gives you possibility to send ~3600 farm attacks/h (excluding "send accurately in time" SAIT attacks)
- You can add cities in other Overviews for premium account. Combined, Production, Troops, Buildings, Technology, Groups View - all are working fine now.
- Added option to disable logs(Settings->General). It will improve performance for users with many villages.
- Automatic CAPTCHA entry (supports new hCaptcha) (you can bot 24/7 without worries)
- Scavenging function!(TUTORIAL)
- Intelligent farming function!(TUTORIAL)
- Train and revive paladin function.
- Reports reading function!(TUTORIAL)
- Resources balancing system!(TUTORIAL)
- Interactive MAP!(TUTORIAL)
- Time synchronization system(TUTORIAL)
- Bot reporting system (TUTORIAL)
- Attack detection system(TUTORIAL)
- Dodging backtime attacks(TUTORIAL)
- Referential system - Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot for FREE! (TUTORIAL)
- Barbarian to Player option (TUTORIAL)
- Mailing notification system (TUTORIAL)
- Loading custom user scripts to bot (TUTORIAL)
- Human like pauses between attacks
- Automatic Start Stop function
- Supports all official tribal wars sites including tribalwarsmasters.net
- Sending army as attack / help with milisecond precision
- Sending many attack in one "out" second
- Attack coordinator
- Sending many attack, from many yours villages to many others villages in one "in" second (attacks synchronization)
- Attack customization - send all (type star * ) or type specified number of different units
- Building / Destroying dynamic / static queue system
- Sending army as farm attack (attack has many target villages)
- Sending resources between cities
- Recruit army units
- Villages division into separate groups
- Minting coins in Academy
- Gathering stats of building levels, army, resources
- Automatic login, and re-login on disconnect
- Built-in webbrowser