1. Once you downloaded and unpacked Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot you need to have two required files: UltimateTribalWarsBot.exe and tokendic.dat.
tokendic.dat contains info about captcha recognition. UltimateTribalWarsBot.exe it's application file which you should run now.
Go to "Bot Server" tab (see on screenshot (1)).
2. Put bot UserName and Password (2), and in Registration group (3) Confirm Password, SecretAnswer and click Register (4). Bot Server UserName and Password can be different from yours TribalWars account. It is recommended that Bot UserName and TribalWars UserName will be different. Popup "User registered successfuly" should appear.
3. Check Log tab, and log.txt file in logs folder for information about registered account(In case you forget password, sa for your account). There are also information about any action you do on "Bot Server" tab like activating keycard, changing passwords, etc. Remember, that if there will be 10 log files - 5mb each, they will be overridden.
4. You can select check box "Auto Logging" so next time when you start Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot it will automatically log in to bot server. Click Login button (5).
5. Once you are logged in, it is recommended to close application. Then run it again, select "Bot Server" tab (1) and Go to go to next (TUTORIAL), where you will see how to INSTANTLY get Free Trial License for testing Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot.