Noble train tutorial(contains attacks creation). You can watch the video as an additional training.
1. Click "Show Helpers" button (1). Helpers form will appear. Select "Disable loading user scripts" (1a), because
if you have added some user scripts to Ultimate Tribal Wars Bot, those scripts can change html content of the page, and
bot will no be able to create sending army task(point 5 of this tutorial). Thats why you need to disable them during this action.
2. In WWW tab, try to send attack(or help), but don't do it, like you see on screen (2).
3. What for is Interval (4)? This is the time which will be added to attack duration. eg: attack duration is 12m 34s. So in both ways it will be 25m 8s. And here you add interval. In this case it is 2m. So the attack will be sended every 27m 8s. Interval is added because if you want to send attack at 21h 53m 00s o'clock, bot will start to prepare task attack 30seconds before is should be sended. When bot are preparing attack, it goes to really point - so the troops should be already in village - if there is not enough tropps bot will write log like "not enough troops on place", and will not send attack. It will add interval again and wait until next time for sending army comes. It is recommended that minimum interval should be 1min.
4. What for is Random Interval From-To (5)-(6)? This interval is radomly added to Interval (4). Imagine if you send attack every 1h 00m 00s precisely. Tribal wars could give you ban, because human being is not able to send attacks every 1h. Additional time which will be added to Interval (4) is randomized between From (5) and To(6). In this case it will be something between 60sec and 300sec. Just test it until you feel it :)
5. Click "Add Sending Army" button (3). Form with sending army task details should appear.
6. As you can see, you can choose between sending army type: attack or help. Count - tells you how many times attack will be sended repeatedly. Every time, attack duration(both ways) + interval + random interval(if checked) will be added to attack time, until attack time will be in the future. The star "*" in axe troops means that bot will send all available units, which are on rally point when it prepares for attack. I think that rest of informations are intuitive.
7. "Send accurately in time" will be explained with sending nobleman and 4 attacks in one second tutorial. Task targets will be explained in next tutorial.
8. "Send accurately in time" will be explained with sending nobleman and 4 attacks in one second tutorial. Task targets will be explained in next tutorial.
9. Go to "Sending Army" Tab (1). You can see there your attack tasks. Remember to check "Enable sending army" (2).
You can double click the task and form with details will apear, so you will be able to change times, units, etc.
By clicking right mouse on list view, menu will appear. To use functions selected with rectangle number (3),
you need to fill additional data in rectangle number (4). Rest of menu functions works without any data. You just need to select tasks.
You can select tasks by holding "Ctrl" and clicking left mouse, or just click and dragging mouse on rectangle number (5).
10. You can also manually add attack or help task. To do so, you need to fill all required fields: count, time, interval, from, to, units etc. Then simply click "Add" button (7). It's longest way of creating army tasks, but works too :)
11. Now go to "Task Queue" Tab (6) and check what is the status of your sending army task, which you just added. And that's will be all for simple attack, help task. See other tutorials for more info about sending army.