Noble train tutorial(contains attacks creation). You can watch the video as an additional training.
Watch this tutorial below. It shows how to easly create attacks with interactive map.
1. In WWW tab, go to Map page.
2. Click "Show Helpers" button (1). Helpers form will appear.
3. In Helpers form select "Open link in new window", "Keep focus on main window", "Disable loading user scripts" (2).
4. Click on village which you want to farm, to get context menu, and on context menu Click "Send Army" (4). Do the same action for each village which you want to farm, villages are marked as (3).
5. As you can see "Open links in new window" (2) caused, that every link which you click (4) is open in new tab (5). "Keep focus on main window" makes that WWW tab with your map is still selected. If you uncheck it focus will be moved to new tab which has been added. When you have selected those 2 options (2), don't click on map arrows (6) because many tabs will be created. When you want to click on map arrows, just uncheck (2), click map arrows, then check (2) again.
6. Once you will have tabs with all villages (5) , which you want to farm, uncheck (2) and go to next step.
7. Click first tab (3) with attack, put units and click "Attack" to get this view (1).
8. This part is the same as "Creating simple attak, help task" tutorial. Click "Add sending army" button (2). Sending army task form will appear. Write description like "farm 0,0". Click OK on form. Click right mouse on tab and "Close" option will appear (3). Close tab.
9. Go to Sending Army tab (1) and select attack task which you have just added (2).
10. Go to next village tab (3).
11. Create attack but don't click OK (1). Click "Add Village" button (2).
Sending army form will appear. As you can see, new village has been added to "Task targets" (3),
of attack which you previously selected in "Sending Army" Tab.
12. On "Task Targets" list you can select which attack should go first. Now is selected first attack on the list (4)(with blue highlight), because this attack have not been send yet. When first attack will be send (4), the next one will be selected for send (3), then next, ... last one, and again first one. Selection will circuit task targets.
13. You can notice that i put 100 lk (5), but on task form is 5 scouts and 40lk (6). That's because units are based on base attack - this one which you added at the beggining of this tutorial. Remember though, that you need to put the slowest unit when you creating attack (1). If you do so, duration of attack should be correct and Interval too.
14. Click OK on sending army form, and do the same action for next village (7). Select this tab, and go to step number 11 of this tutorial.
15. Once you finish, you can unselect "Disable loading user scripts" option in Helpers Form.