1. Basically you need to set Interval and check Enable Recruit Army function (1).
Like in any other views, you can show cities from the specific group (2) by selecting specific group.
2. If your troops numbers are not up to date, you can always update it immediately by pressing Update troops statistics button (3). Once button become available again(button becomes grey when you press it) it is sign that number are loaded.
3. To copy settings from one city to another, simply select Template city (4) as a configuration source. Then select one or more cities on list and press right mouse button. After that select Copy configuration from Template city (5). Form with options - which let you choose what to copy or not - should appear. Then you can confirm by OK or Cancel it to avoid.
4. On the list you can see some values from the configuration, what units are still in production, what buildings are set to be acitve, which cities are active for production.
5. Here we have black box :) with recruit argorithm. I will start from the easiest parts.
Target count is the amount of troops which you want to be produced in city in total.
Total count is the amount of ALL troops from the city(it includes troops send for helps, attacks, etc).
6. Unit - Minimal production package. This is the minimal value of units which will be produced.
eg. You set 100 Axeman. Bot will recruit as minimum: 100units, or 200 units, or 300, etc.
NOTE: When difference between:
target count - (total count + in production count)
will be smaller than minimal package, bot will recruit smaller amout of troops.
eg. I have spears configured as follow:
Total: 10, In Production: 17, Target: 30, Minimal package: 10.
Bot will skip minimal package because 30 - (10+17) = 3, and 3 units will be produced, despite of minimal package set to 10.
But this will only happen in final recruitment stage, when smaller than minimal package amout of units left to produce.
7. Unit - Percentage. This property balances production ratio between units in same building.
You set Percentage as follows:
spear 100, sword 100, axe 50, archer 0. Minimal package for each unit: 10.
Bot will produce:
1. 10sp, 10sw, 0ax, 0ar.
If you will have more resources it will looks like
2. 20sp, 20sw, 10ax, 0ar.
If you will have a lot of resources
3. 100sp, 100sw, 50ax, 0ar.
Basically bot do a loop like:
sp * 1, sw * 1, ax * 0.5, ar * 0.0
and it sums the results. After second loop run, results are like: 2sp,2sw,1ax,0ar.
Bot loop breaks when resources are fully used or Maximal queue forward is filled by units production(1).
8. Maximal queue forward (1). It tells you how much forward/up front production will be set in building. This let you have production queue for the next, let's say 24hours. It prevents against spending all resources in village at once (you want to left some resources for buildings, right?).
9. Building - Percentage. Based on example from point 7, bot in the loop will multiple units with building percentage.
e.g. Barracks percentage is set to 40. Loop will look like:
sp * 1 * 0.4, sw * 1 * 0.4, ax * 0.5 * 0.4, ar * 0.0 * 0.4
10. Balance production time in all buildings (2). This option disable Building-Percentage and allows you to keep balanced queue in buildings. It is the best way to balance resources between units production in buildings. This option is my recommendation.
11. Active building. You can disable production in specific building.
12. Test values (3) are used to predict how your package will be looks like, based on your settings.
13. Predicted production package (4) shows how many units will be produced and what is the ratio of the units.
In order to calculate Predicted production package these values are used:
* test values
* unit - percentage
* unit - minimal production package
* active building
* building percentage
* maximal queue forward
* balance production time in all buildings
Predicted production package don't use:
* current production queue in building(based on how many units is in production)
* number of units to produce: Target count - (Total count + In production count)
Those 2 values above are used in workers, when bot is recruit army for real in your buildings.
14. Just test configuration. You will see how predicted package changes when you change settings. Then you can check logs, which are creating by bot in "Logs" tab. They will tell you, what really happend in city during recruitment task.